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How to Know if You're a Witch

You’re in the right place if you want to…

  • know how to tell if you’re a witch

  • learn how to set an intention for your practice

  • learn about some helpful learning techniques.

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“How Do I Know If I’m a Witch?”

One question I’m often asked is, “How do I know if I’m a witch?” and the truth is that everyone is a witch. Witches actually decide to believe in their power and invest time into learning how to use it. So, the one sign that will indicate that you are a witch, is that you practice witchcraft by directing your power to plan and create the life you want.

Even so, there are some common factors that may suggest you are more likely to find an interest in practicing witchcraft.

Witches tend to be drawn to the natural world and find answers through observing the patterns of the earth, and interacting with plants, animals, rocks, and water. Witches also tend to be drawn to the moon and the sun through aligning with the changing phases and seasons.

Many witches enjoy learning new things especially about philosophy, the human mind, and the workings of the universe. Witches often understand energy through feeling, seeing, or sensing how it flows. And witches tend to also be the healers of the world, creating natural remedies, directing energy, or supporting loved ones.

Because witchcraft is a mysterious practice that doesn’t quite fit in with societal norms, witches are less likely to feel like they belong and may have a hard time being around crowds of people. Witches believe in magic and are often drawn to magical things, creatures, fables, movies, books, and stories, even when the world tells us that magic isn’t real.

Witches tend to be more intuitive and use all five senses when experiencing the world and keeping themself safe. Witches also likely see signs and symbols and understand there is a greater meaning in them from the divine.

Truthfully, there are countless signs that may indicate that witchcraft is a good path for you and if none of these call to you, fear not! The only sign that you’re a witch that really matters is that you want to be one.

The WitchPath

With that in mind, I want you to think about where you are along your WitchPath. Considering where you are now sets the stage for where you want your witchcraft practice to take you.

Are you a Wildling, a complete beginner, looking for a safe learning environment to support you as you grow? Or, are you a Creator, committed to your practice and wanting to develop your witchcraft skills even more? Maybe you are a Sage, looking for a community of peers and like-minded people to talk about your interest in witchcraft and share what you know with others. Wherever you are right now is perfect.

Additionally, think about what’s going well in your practice, and what you are finding challenging. Think about why you want to practice witchcraft: what is interesting to you about it, what drew you to it?

It’s also important to set some intentions for your practice. This will help you know what you need to do in order to get there. Think about what practicing witchcraft can do to improve your life. How will your relationships, finances, career or business, health and wellbeing, etc. change as a result of practicing witchcraft? 

You can do this at any stage of the WitchPath and it’s okay if what you want to see in your life changes over time. If you find your vision shifts, simply examine the new vision and the old to determine which is more in alignment with what you really want.

The Beginner’s Mind

Now, I want to talk to you about your witchcraft practice and something many witches lose sight of. Witchcraft is a constant journey of pursuing knowledge and developing on all levels: emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. This means it is very helpful to approach all topics with a beginner’s mind.

The beginner’s mind or shoshin, is a term from Zen Buddhism and Japanese martial arts that refers to approaching learning in the way a beginner would. This means having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and a lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level.

The term is discussed in the book Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki, a Zen teacher. Suzuki outlines the framework behind shoshin, noting "in the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few.”

When you approach learning about witchcraft and spirituality and even learning about yourself, there is no such thing as mastery. Mastery implies that there is an end point where there is no more to learn. These areas of study are lifelong practices and if you begin to believe that you know everything there is to know, you are making a choice to stop your development and growth.

The fact that you can always learn more about witchcraft is one of the most exciting things about studying it, because you are opening the doors to limitless possibilities.

Witchcraft is not an assortment of skills and techniques, it is an attitude and a lifestyle that requires dedication, interest, and maintenance. The more you put in, the more you’ll get out.

Approach everything you learn with a beginner’s mind, give yourself time to reflect on what you are presented with so that the information can assimilate into your mind, and hold onto what means something to you. This is a lifelong journey.

Remembering and Forgetting

The last thing I want to talk about today is this idea of remembering and forgetting. Over the years, everything you have learned, you have at times forgotten as the person you are changes. Remember, you are not the same person you were an hour ago and you are not the same person you were years ago. The same goes for your future self.

Your “future self” who has manifested your goals, dreams, wishes and desires is not the same person you are now. 

I bring this up because throughout your witchcraft journey you may encounter ideas and concepts that resonate with you at one point, and then in the future they no longer interest you.

Or it may be the reverse: you may come across something that you aren’t ready to receive yet, but down the line it makes so much sense to you. 

The order that I present information to you, may not be the order that you are ready to take it in, and some things may never be what you want or need to hear. Wherever you are in life, you may not be in a place to really hear the lessons, to remember them. But that may change for you in the future.

Just remember that whenever you find yourself in a state of “forgetting,” you can always revisit information. Allow yourself to receive a lesson again in order to bring yourself back into a state of “remembering.”


Your homework for this week is to join us in the Facebook Group to share your witchcraft story. Simply go to and look for the discussion post.


In this post, I explained why anyone can be a witch and I told you about some interests many witches have in common. I invited you to reflect on your witchcraft journey: where you are now and where you want to go next. And I gave some information about approaching new subjects with a beginner’s mind, and how remembering and forgetting are natural parts of the learning process.

Join us in the Talk Witchcraft Facebook group to chat about this episode with other witchy folks.

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Mumbles Academy is the place to be for intuitive souls at any stage on their WitchPath. Whether you are a Wildling at the very beginning of witchcraft journey and looking for a safe learning environment, a Creator who is already committed to their practice and wants to develop their witchcraft skills even more, or a Sage who full of wisdom already and is ready to share that with others, Mumbles Academy was designed for you.

With monthly masterclasses and live Q&As, an extensive archive of courses and training, and a supportive community to help you along the way with encouragement and advice, Mumbles Academy is the perfect place for you to be as you as you continue on your WitchPath.

Now it’s your turn!

Comment below your biggest takeaway from this weeks episode.