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How to Make an Energy Ball

You’re in the right place if you want to…

  • refamiliarize yourself with energy work, grounding, and centering

  • understand how to incorporate the tarot and herbs into your everyday life

  • learn three news ways to practice energy work

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To start off the show, we look at our Tarot Card for the week and we look for moments that relate to this card in our daily lives.

For this week, we chose the Seven of Cups. The theme of this card is reflection.

When you look at the seven of cups there is a lot going on here, and we can even see that the figure at the front of the card is gesturing with one hand in a sort of surprised way, maybe feeling overwhelmed.

What I get from this card is that that initial feeling of, “wow there’s a lot going on here” is kind of the point. It’s about the paralysis one faces from having too many options open to them and how important it is to make a choice and follow that through before switching to something else.

There are a lot of little hidden clues in this card which are reminders to look for those intuitive nudges and signs to guide you to make the right choice. 

You can hear Erica’s and Maggie’s stories related to the Seven of Wands by listening to the episode.

Energy Work

Meditative energy work is one of the most important practices that a witch can engage in. It brings so much to the table, both in mundane matters and the magical stuff!

In the past, I shared some information about the chakras, your aura or energy field, and three basic energy work practices: grounding, centering, and shielding. You can read about that here.

I’ve also written about the Chakra energy system, which you can read about here.

In this post, I’m going to try to not repeat myself too much, while still giving you some information about how energy flows in and around the body. But you may need this background info before we get into more advanced energy work practices.


Grounding is method of balancing the flow of energy and finding equilibrium. It helps you to get rid of excess or unhelpful energy, which reduces stress and anxiety and ultimately lifts your mood.


Centering is a method that gives you perspective about your own energy by allowing you to differentiate between what is yours and what is in the environment around you. It helps you to call back and reattach all your bits of energy and helps you feel whole again.

Creating an energy Ball

An energy ball is, quite literally, a ball of energy. It’s usually formed between your palms like a little snowball of energy. Once made, it can be programmed with intent. For example, you can program them with peace or love, happiness or confidence, even anger (if you’re into that). Here’s my method of forming an energy ball:

  1. Start by grounding and centering. While seated, take some deep breaths and relax.

  2. Rub your palms together vigorously. Focus on the feeling of warmth and friction between your two hands. Tense and relax your forearms. While you’re doing this, imagine energy building up between your hands.

  3. Separate your palms so that they are 3-5 inches apart. Visualize the energy ball. Keep your palms facing each other and move your hands in alternating scooping motions like you are molding the ball from sand or snow.

  4. Experiment with moving your hands farther apart and then closer. Feel the ever-so-slight resistance that the energy forms between your palms. Watch the energy ball expand and then contract as you move your hands farther apart and then closer.

  5. At some point, you will find the distance between your hands that feels *right*. The energy ball will look and feel comfortable to you. At this point, you may want to will one last “push” of energy into the ball, further solidifying it so that it won’t fall apart or anything.

  6. The energy ball will feel nice and normal. You may want to bring all the energy back inwards, willing it back in or pushing it into your abdomen with your hands. Practice this a bit until you feel comfy. Once you feel comfortable with making an energy ball, you’re ready to try programming the energy.

Why would you want to make an energy ball?

You can charge it with any intention. Basically, this means you are telling the energy ball what to do or filling it with a certain feeling. Some ideas include calmness or peace, happiness, love, comfort, confidence etc. You could program it with low vibe emotions like anger or sadness as well.

Visualize a change in your energy ball. For example, you could change the color to match your intention. You could also change the way it looks, or feels such asthe temperature, consistency, smell, or sound.

Then, you can use the energy ball however you want. Maybe you just want to bask in its presence. Maybe you want to send it to someone else. Maybe you want to absorb it into your body. Maybe you want to store it in an object.

Sending Energy to People

A Blessing is a practice in which you send programmed energy to a person. This is a very versatile practice, and, depending on what you program the energy with, it can be very very helpful to both you and the person you send the energy to.

I want to add that this practice could be used in harmful or even manipulative ways, I wouldn’t call it blessing in those cases, obviously. It would actually be called cursing or hexing when you send malicious energy to another person.

Many witches use baneful magic such as cursing, and I respect that choice. If you are someone who is interested in cursing, make sure to keep yourselves safe while practicing.

Sending Energy into Objects

Sending energy into an object is called charging, empowering, programming, or enchanting. You can charge an object with your intention, whatever that may be. What you charge an object with will depend on what you plan to do with it. 

Think of charging as giving an object a purpose. The object has its own energy, but you can change or add to this energy. 

Any and every object can be charged with your intention. Practically speaking, most witches only charge objects they plan to use in ritual or for some other aspect of their witchcraft practice, or objects they plan to carry with them as a charm or talisman

Once an object is charged with your intention, it holds that energy for whenever you need it.

This post is brought to you by Hops

  • MEDICINAL - anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic, nervine, relaxant, sedative, soporific, stomachic, phytoestrogenic

    Increases breast milk; Encourages sleep; Stimulates the liver and bile flow; Works as a digestive bitter; Decreases sexual desire in men; Contains phytoestrogens; Can help with menopausal symptoms; Topically can be used as an antibacterial wash, is also in natural deodorants to help reduce unwanted scent

    Cautions: Avoid excessive use during pregnancy and lactation, the effects of the phytoestrogens on the child are unknown.

    The phytoestrogens may also interact with some types of cancers

    In men, if fertility or impotence is an issue, avoid hops.

  • MAGICAL - Active, Mars, Fire, Water, Scorpio

    Relaxing and sleep producing; a fantastic herb for dream pillows. Believed to increase the restfulness & serenity of sleep. Also used for healing rituals, sachets, and incense.

    There are significant ties between the brew masters of old and stereotypes of witches today. For example, brewing ale was originally a woman’s job and has led to the term of a witch’s brew being popularized. Brew master wore pointed hats as a sign of their job and to be easily recognizable in markets. Brews were made in cauldrons and brew masters would place a brooms outside their doors to signal when the latest brew was ready. In order to have a good brew one had to have extensive knowledge in plant lore and herbalism to know which plants would go together well.

Send us a voicemail

We play one listener voicemail on each episode of Talk Witchcraft, with a few exceptions. To send us a voicemail, record a voice memo on your phone and email it to welisten [at] talkwitchcraft [dot] com. Please keep in mind that we only choose voicemails that are two minutes in length or shorter (even if they’re great!).

What we’re looking for in a voicemail

  • Share from your personal experiences (especially experiences that we could never have) and use that to illuminate the zodiac season or theme in new ways.

  • Ask questions of Erica and Maggie, so we have an opportunity to respond meaningfully to your voicemail during the podcast.

  • Use one of these prompts: Is there something happening with you and your life that aligns with the current zodiac season or a Tarot card? How do your experiences show us something new about the magic, something that we haven’t talked about so far?

  • Send a voicemail even if you’re behind on the podcast. If your voicemail is about a previous episode, zodiac season, or tarot card; that doesn’t mean we won’t choose it!

Tips for recording a great voicemail

  • Make sure you’re somewhere quiet.

  • Plan what you’re going to say ahead of time, because two minutes goes quickly.

  • Opt for talking freely based on a bullet pointed list rather than reading word-for word from a script.

  • Let us know if you’d prefer to remain anonymous.

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Wait, don’t go yet!

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Now it’s your turn!

How are you inviting renewal into your week?