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Make a Better World in Aquarius Season

Aquarius Season begins on about January 20th each year. The energy of this zodiac season is healing and energizing. We are beginning to lift the heavy veil of winter and all the emotions that come with the darkness. As we step into the light, we can see the world with a brighter outlook and an optimistic perspective.

Where we came from…

In Capricorn season, the energy was heavy like the element of earth. The practical, structured steps of Capricorn helped us find clarity with our goals and encouraged us to take responsibility to creating a path to achieve them.

Where we’re heading…

But Aquarius is an air sign, which gives us more freedom to explore our collective imagination and think outside of the box. This season invites us to stray away from the what is tried and true to find new ways of looking at what we aspire to realize. With the foundation in place we know the direction to fly in, but we can feel confident expressing ourself more freely and return to the path only if we lose our way.

Aquarius Energy

Aquarius energy encourages you to go for what you want. Aim higher, think bigger, and express your authentic self so that you can live the life that you truly desire.

The Water Bearer

The symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer who cleanses Mother Earth of pain with the healing power of water. The water bearer is able to gather the emotions of the planet, transmute them into something beneficial and release the harmful vibrations. This elevates the frequency of the Earth and those who call this planet home.

A Fixed Sign

As a fixed sign, Aquarius focuses on building friendships that are aligned with their higher goals, through joining clubs and organizations. Every action, word, and thought has a purpose and that purpose is to further the cause.

The Aquarius Glyph

Two horizontal wavy lines represent the Aquarius energy. These lines show the wavering flow of energy toward the goal, the flow of water from the water-bearer’s vase, and the flow of air (Aquarius is am air sign after all). Whichever way you look at it, Aquarius is all about flow, moving peacefully from one place to the next, and bringing good things as it moves.

Message From Aquarius

Aquarius has two sides. This energy values individualism while simultaneously advocating for building community. Aquarius wants you to be your unique self, and at the same time, Aquarius wants you to think about how your words and actions effect the people around you. Speak your truth, be authentic, but do so in a way that is also kind, empathetic and compassionate toward others.

This applies to how you approach your goals, wishes, and desires as well. You should absolutely go after your dreams, but make sure your dreams have a greater cause that elevates all of humanity.

During Aquarius season you may feel drawn to help a cause you care about, for example: protecting Mother Earth. There have been signs for decades that the planet is in distress, and Aquarius season is a perfect time to take action and support her more than ever before. How we treat her does not only impact the individual, but every other human. We all live together and depend on this spaceship called Earth.

On top of that, as witches we depend on the Earth on another level. Many witches are earth-based in one way or another. Maybe you are aligned with the seasons, maybe you collect the natural products (like crystals and stones, herbs and other plant parts, etc.) to help in your magic, or maybe you connect with your spiritual side simply by spending time in nature. Because of this, witches have a greater responsibility to protect the Earth.

Be more conscious, take responsibility, educate others, and protect our home. When you lead by example, others will follow, creating a ripple effect on love, healing, compassion and restoration.

Creating a Better World

When we see the effects of Climate Change, and the other problems of the world, most of us have good intentions and a desire to solve the problems. We wish the problems would go away, but when we see they stubbornly remain, we often react as if they are happening in a movie. People continue to starve, communities fall apart, violence thrives, families fade, nature disappears, and those unaffected continue in their daily lives.

At this point there are two options: hope and cynicism.

Cycle of Cynicism

  1. Finding out about a problem.

  2. Wanting to do something to help.

  3. Not seeing how you can help.

  4. Not doing anything about it.

  5. Feeling sad, powerless, and angry.

  6. Deciding that nothing can be done.

  7. Beginning to shut down.

  8. Wanting to know less about problems.

Repeat until apathy results…

Cycle of Hope

  1. Finding out about a problem.

  2. Wanting to do something to help.

  3. Seeking out quality information about problem.

  4. Discovering practical options for action.

  5. Acting in alignment with your values.

  6. Taking personal responsibility for being a good person.

  7. Creating a vision of a better world based on your values.

  8. Recognizing that you can’t do everything.

Repeat until a better world results…

The cycle of cynicism is only broken by the cycle of hope. With so many crises occurring all around the world, it can be disturbing. It’s challenging to know what to do that will actually make a difference in these problems that seems so large. It’s time to stop blaming others for not taking action, and start taking responsibility for being the best human you can be. Remember that a better world begins with you.

Instead of giving up hope and seeing only dead-ends, keep looking for new paths. Take actions that are aligned with where your vision of a better world leads, and bring people along with you on the journey.

Change the world by loving yourself, and healing your body. Allow that loving energy to overflow and spill into your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your city, your country, and so on until the entire world is full of love.

Align your frequency with the universal flow of love as if you are tuning an instrument to become a harmonious orchestra. By raising your own level of consciousness, you fit in more beautifully with the song of the universe.

The world is full of challenges and incredibly suffering, but take a step outside of the pain and remember that it is your responsibility to elevate the planet. Focus on what brings you joy and the gratitude in your heart. In doing so, you can improve the quality of your life and ultimately, have more to give when it comes to solving the world’s problems.

Each one of us has something to offer: our gifts, our message, our purpose. Aquarius season is the moment to use our gifts to direct the world to a brighter future. Lift yourself up and bring someone else up behind you.

Allow the water bearer to wash the heavy emotions away and transform them into love, and joy, and gratitude. As we approach the end of the wheel and the beginning of a new one, don’t miss the opportunity to make the world a better place for us all.

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