8 Crystals to Enhance Love and Heal the Heart Chakra
Love is at the core of our emotional well-being, but when we feel disconnected from it—whether in relationships or self-love—it may be time to focus on our Heart Chakra. In this post, I’m sharing eight powerful crystals that can help you open your heart, heal emotional wounds, and invite more love into your life.

Why do Humans Love Crystals?
Mankind has been transfixed by crystals for ages since the first time it was used as a surface for petroglyphs. They come in so many colors, shapes and sizes that catch our eye. And they offer physical (as well as metaphysical) properties to help us in many ways.

7 Must-Have Crystals for Beginners: A Guide to Unlocking Their Power
When it comes to choosing a crystal it can be very overwhelming, especially for newbies. This guide is meant to help clear the water. Here, I list and describe seven must-have crystals for beginners.