Talk Witchcraft Season 2 Recap
In this post, I share a little bit from each of the episodes of season 2 from the Talk Witchcraft Podcast. Inside, you will discover links to the show notes for all 10 episodes as well as the key points. Whether you want to refresh your memory or make sure you didn’t miss anything, you don’t want to miss this one.

What is Cultural Appropriation? Part 2
The cultural appropriation conversation tends to focus on conflict over who’s ancestors own what. But what are we really angry about? What is at the heart of cultural appropriation? I’d like to make the argument that it’s not about the thing, the practice, the word, the clothing. It’s actually about the oppression.

What is Cultural Appropriation? Part 1
This is a touchy subject, not that I’m afraid to talk about it. It may take you to a dark place in yourself. It may make you angry with me because I might present ideas that feel uncomfortable. You may feel personally attacked as you are forced to reflect on your own actions. But please, hear me out and stick with me until the end.