The Four Elements and the Tarot
In this post we talk about each of the four elements of magic and how they relate to the four suits of the Tarot. I also gave you some ideas for connecting with these elements. Feel free to get creative and add your own unique spin to them.

Interpreting the Tarot Court Cards
In this post we look at the general structure of the Tarot deck and where the court cards fall in this structure. We also look at each card on an individual level and how to interpret them when they come up in a reading.

Tarot Through the Numbers
In this post we went through each of the numbers 1 (or Ace) - 10 and looked at the symbolism of these numbers and how it applies to the meaning of the Tarot cards in the Minor and Major arcana.

How to Increase the Accuracy of Your Tarot Readings
This week we have a guest author, Christine Hirlehey. There is a normal learning curve with Tarot that often hits a plateau. Here are five things to consider if you want to deepen and improve your Tarot readings.

A Step-By-Step Beginners Guide to Reading Tarot
Tarot readings have been used for hundreds of years as a way to connect people with the divine universe and answer important questions about love, career, finances, lifestyle, relationships and more. If you’re unsure of where to begin and how to conduct your readings, start here.