Modern Magick Mastery
I have no special supernatural powers as far as I’m aware. I just started practising EARLIER than most people, so that’s how I know more and can do more. Nothing I do, know or have right now is unattainable! So, let me show you how I did it.

Witchcraft 101: Becoming a Witch
When it comes to magic…You KNOW you could be doing BIG things, but you have no idea what those things are, or worse… you just have no idea where to start! The #1 thing I hear from followers is that they want a clearly defined, STEP by STEP path to witchcraft. Meet Witchcraft 101!

Why Skepticism is Important to Your Witchcraft Practice
Skepticism is important and also I believe it is a requirement of a healthy witchcraft practice. It’s how we keep ourselves safe from following authors and leaders blindly. It’s how we help others before they fall too deep into unhealthy delusions.

Magical Lifestyle: DIY Enchanted Natural Cleaners
We all gotta clean sometimes, whether it's to prepare for a spell or ritual or you just want to infuse some magic into your regular cleaning schedule. If you're feeling particularly witchy, you may wish to make your own cleaning products and infuse them your personal magical intent.

Magical Lifestyle: Daily Witchcraft
In order to experience magic in your daily life you need to make room for it. Every day can be magical if you make a conscious choice to embrace it. This post is full of tips and techniques that you can use to enhance and fulfill your life in enchanting ways, every day!

Witchcraft 101: The Magical Lifestyle
Empower yourself to live a magical lifestyle. You—and only you—have control over the things that happen in your life. Think about your own daily mundane activities. Is there a way you can make it magical?

Introduction to Magic: Methods
The final step before you are ready to cast a spell is deciding what method to use; there are a few to choose from. This will depend on what form you magical working will take.

Introduction to Magic: Materials
Looking at the purpose and symbolism you’ve chosen you’ll want to choose materials. Materials allow your intent to be viewed in a physical way. Another way to think about this is bringing your intention down to earth.

Introduction to Magic: Correspondences
Correspondences such as the four elements of magic, planets and signs of the zodiac can be used in your practice to add to your magical power. They should be treated as supplements to your own power.

Introduction to Magic: Purpose
In magic, it is true that you get what you ask for. Therefore, it’s important to ask for what you actually want. So before you do any magic, phrase your purpose in a single, clear sentence and make sure you now your personal ethics and limitations.

Witchcraft 101: Introduction to Magic
As I’ve said before, and I will certainly say it again, magic works because you are magical. There are, however, certain ways to give your own power more oomph. Now, we’ll look at four basic steps you can take to help make your magic work consistently.

Principles of Magic: Rhythm
Everything in this world has order and that’s what the Principle of Rhythm is all about. Everything in existence is like this: cycling, swaying, flowing, swinging back and forth. Everything is either growing or dying.

Principles of Magic: Polarity and Gender
The law of polarity says that everything can be separated into two wholly opposite parts, and that each of those still contains the potentiality of the other. There is a balance between opposites. The Principle of Gender focuses on one specific energetic polarity: active and receptive.

Principles of Magic: Cause and Effect
The base of this principle is that nothing happens simply by chance. Everything happens for a reason. This applies to everyone equally, and you can often find the root cause if you look closely.

Principles of Magic: Vibration
The differences between physical matter, energy, and spirit are the level at which they vibrate. Physical matter is a dense, low vibration and the Universe is at an infinite level of vibration. In between objects of the lowest vibration and the highest level, there are innumerable varying degrees of vibration.

Principles of Magic: Mentalism
The principle of Mentalism tells us that there is some higher power and the universe responds to our thoughts. Thoughts supplied with energy become reality. The ability to create, is a power that we share.

Principles of Magic: Correspondence
The principle of correspondence basically says that our current reality is a mirror of what is going on inside us. Therefore, our reality is a result of our inner most dominant thought.

Witchcraft 101: 7 Principles of Magic
Witchcraft is a Science, an Art, and a Spiritual Practice. The magic practiced in Witchcraft works in accordance with certain scientific principles and laws. Seven principles to be exact.

Witchcraft 101: What is a Witch? and What Kind are You?
What are your interests and where is your focus? Where do you live and what materials are easily available to you? Discover what drives you as a person to get an idea of a natural way to merge magic into you daily life.

Witchcraft 101: How to Get to Know Yourself and Your Goals
If you want to learn to be a witch you want to take control over your life, you need to start with the basics and that is means getting to know yourself and taking action to meet your goals.