13 Signs You are a Witch
How do you know if you’re a witch? Here are thirteen signs that you might be one or that you’re on the right path. Be careful! The moment, event, observation, or realization that leads you to start learning about and practicing witchcraft, will result in an extremely rewarding life.
Delivering What You Promise
Delivering what you promise and promising only what you can deliver is really the essence of integrity. What Does Integrity Mean? Integrity is basically having high principles and keeping those standards consistent throughout all the pieces of yourself.
Myths and Misconceptions about Witchcraft
Let’s talk about some myths and misunderstanding surrounding witchcraft. It’s important to get down to the essence of witchcraft. At the most basic level, we are becoming aware of our power to create, and we are using that power to plan and design the life we want to lead.
How to Set a Magickal Intention
At a basic level, an intention is a descriptive statement—communicated clearly and specifically—about what you want from the spell, or your desired outcome from the magic. You set an intention, focus on that intention with absolute clarity, and take action that is in alignment with your intention.