In this post, I share how to follow the lunar cycle for magical and mundane activities so that you have a bettering have a better understanding of what magic to perform when. I also let you in on all the exciting changes that are coming to Mumbles Academy in 2021.
I want to share something personal with you today. This is my witchcraft journey. My story begins like this. I didn’t always know I was a witch. Some people will say that they always knew. I didn’t. It took me 23 years before I knew.
I love the convenience of elastic stretch bracelets. I hate when they break. You can prolong the life of your Mumbles & Things elastic bracelets by making a few simple changes in how you wear them. Here are seven common mistakes people make when buying and wearing elastic bracelets.
The first step to any transformation in your life is to release unhelpful thoughts and mindsets by changing your thinking patterns and reprogramming your mind. Affirmations that align with what you want to see in your life are a wonderful tool for this.
When you buy online from a small business (like this one), an actual person (like me) does a happy dance! Read this to learn about all the features on the Mumbles & Things website and make your online shopping experience easy peasy!
Are you wondering if essential oils are just a fad? Do you worry that it's an overpriced scam? Have you heard that—at best—it's pseudoscience? I’ve heard all of this and more throughout my journey to wellness with essential oils. Let's address these claims one by one.
Bees, including native bees, bumble bees, and honey bees are one of a myriad of other animals called pollinators. Pollinators transfer pollen and seeds from one flower to another, fertilizing the plant so it can grow and produce food. Many pollinators are disappearing at alarming rates. The solution to pollinator health is not a simple one, but you can start here.
In this post I share with you three books that changed my life. They influenced how I view the world, myself, and my practice. They taught me how to access my magic and my power. They are HedgeWitch, Women Who Run with Wolves, and, my own book, Practical Magic for Beginner’s.