Planning & Performing Your Personal Self Dedication Ceremony
A dedication ritual means exactly what it sounds like it means: you are dedicating yourself to witchcraft and telling yourself and the Divine that this is the path you wish to pursue. The dedication ceremony is an important step to connect to your personal witchcraft practice.
This is a self dedication ritual workbook for you to follow based on my own self-dedication ceremony. I believe very much in symbolism and as such, holding a dedication ceremony really made me feel like I was a witch by the end of it.
How to Use this Book
There are thirteen celebrations for your dedication. Each celebration has an assigned material and a corresponding characteristic or theme.
The first four celebrations honor the four elements of ancient magic and philosophy: fire, earth, air, and water. The following celebrations are extensions of these basic elements and other influential elements in your environment. The final celebration honors the fifth element of spirit.
Throughout this book you will find…
positive affirmations based on the theme of the celebration
journal writing prompts and reflection questions
activities to help you honor the theme
celebration ritual procedures
For each celebration, you will also have a chance to design a symbol or sigil to represent the theme. Only you will know what this symbol means, which will give it that much more power. Later on you can use these powerful symbols to super charge your magic!
The workbook is full of everything you need for your very own solitary witch self-dedication ceremony!
A dedication ritual means exactly what it sounds like it means: you are dedicating yourself to witchcraft and telling yourself and the Divine that this is the path you wish to pursue. The dedication ceremony is an important step to connect to your personal witchcraft practice.
This is a self dedication ritual workbook for you to follow based on my own self-dedication ceremony. I believe very much in symbolism and as such, holding a dedication ceremony really made me feel like I was a witch by the end of it.
How to Use this Book
There are thirteen celebrations for your dedication. Each celebration has an assigned material and a corresponding characteristic or theme.
The first four celebrations honor the four elements of ancient magic and philosophy: fire, earth, air, and water. The following celebrations are extensions of these basic elements and other influential elements in your environment. The final celebration honors the fifth element of spirit.
Throughout this book you will find…
positive affirmations based on the theme of the celebration
journal writing prompts and reflection questions
activities to help you honor the theme
celebration ritual procedures
For each celebration, you will also have a chance to design a symbol or sigil to represent the theme. Only you will know what this symbol means, which will give it that much more power. Later on you can use these powerful symbols to super charge your magic!
The workbook is full of everything you need for your very own solitary witch self-dedication ceremony!
A dedication ritual means exactly what it sounds like it means: you are dedicating yourself to witchcraft and telling yourself and the Divine that this is the path you wish to pursue. The dedication ceremony is an important step to connect to your personal witchcraft practice.
This is a self dedication ritual workbook for you to follow based on my own self-dedication ceremony. I believe very much in symbolism and as such, holding a dedication ceremony really made me feel like I was a witch by the end of it.
How to Use this Book
There are thirteen celebrations for your dedication. Each celebration has an assigned material and a corresponding characteristic or theme.
The first four celebrations honor the four elements of ancient magic and philosophy: fire, earth, air, and water. The following celebrations are extensions of these basic elements and other influential elements in your environment. The final celebration honors the fifth element of spirit.
Throughout this book you will find…
positive affirmations based on the theme of the celebration
journal writing prompts and reflection questions
activities to help you honor the theme
celebration ritual procedures
For each celebration, you will also have a chance to design a symbol or sigil to represent the theme. Only you will know what this symbol means, which will give it that much more power. Later on you can use these powerful symbols to super charge your magic!
The workbook is full of everything you need for your very own solitary witch self-dedication ceremony!